BREADS8.ZIP 46113 01-03-94 BREAD RECIPES - 152 MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format BREWBE.ZIP 230581 06-14-94 BrewBE by BrewWare - Brew recipe manager Comparer. More CANDYBAR.ZIP 11332 04-17-94 37 MM recipes using candy as an ingredient. CBUPDA01.ZIP 272538 01-14-94 Micro Cookbook 4.0c Update & patch 1 of 2 CBUPDA02.ZIP 700697 04-11-94 Micro Cookbook 4.0c Update & patch The enclosed two-file set will upgrade an existing REGISTERED version of Micro Cookbook to vers. 4.0c - the current 1994 release. (File 2 of 2). CHEESE8.ZIP 109162 01-03-94 CHEESE RECIPES - 366 MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format. CHILI30.ZIP 32321 01-06-94 A collection of prize winning chili recipes. CHINESEB.ZIP 31347 06-04-94 A collection of recipes from Chinese restaurants around the US in Meal Master 7.x format. CHOCOLA8.ZIP 99831 01-03-94 CHOCOLATE RECIPES - 259 MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format. CHOOKEXE.ZIP 55431 07-22-94 CHOOKEXE PATCH Change the messages printed when you pick up rockets from rocket to chook CONDIMEN.ZIP 353945 03-29-94 MasterCook II Condiments - over 500 condiment recipes for MasterCook II cooking software CULINARY.ZIP 19911 11-22-94* The Culinary Collection Vol. I An assortment of gourmet recipes...collected on a bbs DESSERT8.ZIP 139347 01-03-94 DESSERT RECIPES - 479 MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format FATFREE2.ZIP 37101 07-04-94 85 Meal-Master formatted Vegetarian recipes from the Fatfree Digest June 1994. Mostly vegan, some lacto, all vegetarian. FDASOP.ZIP 31255 07-17-94 FDA (Federal Drug Administration) statement of policy vis a vis new foods. FOOD-REC.ZIP 4996 03-18-94 Full information on the REC.FOOD.RECIPES news group with information on how to post to this useful group via e-mail. For those with no access to USENET but Internet e-mail GEN-TAO.ZIP 6034 02-24-94 Collection of several recipes to make General Tao's Chicken - a delicious Szechwan dish not often found in Chinese cookbooks. From the newsgroup on the Internet HUNTCOOK.ZIP 209590 02-13-94 Great Hunting.Fishing Cooking program.... LOWFAT.ZIP 18124 05-03-94 Lowfat recipes in MasterCook II format. M-MATE37.ZIP 106115 01-04-93 Meal Mate - 1990 program - planning aid for folks on a carefully controlled diet. This appears to be update over even earlier version in Dir 31. MAINDSH8.ZIP 145706 01-03-94 MAIN DISH RECIPES - 468 MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format. MCDOUGAL.ZIP 31539 06-15-94 122 Meal-Master formatted McDougall recipes, vegan, vegetarian & fat free. From various McDougall publications and books. Compiled by Sue Smith. MCHEFR2A.ZIP 258738 03-28-94 MASTER CHEF Release Two ASP - 1/2 Integrated recipe, diet, meal plan, schedule & shopping list manager with a windowed, mouse-driven interface. Tracks 20 nutrients, 10 food exchanges, 800 recipes, ingredients. MCHEFR2B.ZIP 275593 03-28-94 Master Chef Release Two ASP - 2/2 MCOOK137.ZIP 294838 09-10-94 MicroCook v1.37 Recipe database program for DOS from NORSKi Software. Easy to use menus and editors with full mouse support. 2000+ recipes per database and number of databases only limited by disk space. ASCII Export and Import. Import Meal-Master(tm) ASCII recipes. Duplicate recipe checking. MCOOK138.ZIP 302270 12-03-94* MicroCook v1.38 ASP Recipe database program for DOS from NORSKi Software. Easy to use menus and editors with full mouse support. Number of databases only limited by hard disk space. ASCII Export and Import. Also Import Meal-Master(tm) ASCII recipes. MM-CANAD.ZIP 21224 01-01-93 Meal Master v.7 Canadian recipes. Recipes from various parts of Canada to import. NB You must have version 7.0 or higher of Meal Master to import these recipes successfully. (It will not work with earlier versions.). MM-GFISH.ZIP 10375 01-03-93 Meal-Master 7.03 Recipes! 21 great ways to prepare fresh-water game fish. Perch, walleye, & bass. MM13000A.ZIP 290041 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01 There should be one or two recipes in these files that you don't have already! MM13000B.ZIP 290167 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01 File (2 of 13) MM13000C.ZIP 326066 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01 File (3 of 13) MM13000D.ZIP 329804 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01 File (4 of 13) MM13000E.ZIP 335539 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01 File (5 of 13) MM13000F.ZIP 357883 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01 File (6 of 13) MM13000G.ZIP 322618 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01 File (7 of 13) MM13000H.ZIP 352868 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01 File (8 of 13) MM13000I.ZIP 457494 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01 File (9 of 13) MM13000J.ZIP 349840 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01 File (10 of 13) MM13000K.ZIP 378384 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01 File (11 of 13) MM13000L.ZIP 359859 11-14-94 13000 MEAL MASTER VER.8.01 (12 0F 13) MM13000M.ZIP 111071 11-14-94 13000 Meal Master recipes ver.8.01 File (13 of 13) MM3096.ZIP 884604 07-26-94 A collection of over 3,000 recipes in Meal Master recipe format. MM801.ZIP 201037 03-20-94 MEAL-MASTER v8.01 - Sophisticated easy to use recipe manager! One of the best! unequalled import/export support; printing. Supports English and Metric measures, conversions Dos application; also runs in a Window under Windows or DesqView! MM801RU.ZIP 120133 03-20-94 MEAL MASTER v8.01 Utilities Fix Registered Users ONLY MMCONV17.ZIP 75855 03-20-94 Convert recipes to MealMaster format. MMCYBER3.ZIP 47698 01-08-94 CYBEREALM Cookbook vol 3. A variety of recipes from soups to cookies to dinners to whatever, all in Meal Master format. Straight from the snowy kitchens of NE NY, all great MMCYBER4.ZIP 62004 02-27-94 MMCyber4 Cookbook, compiled from the users of Watertown NY. Contains ethnic recipes, to dessert from the Meal Master. MMCYBER5.ZIP 50148 04-26-94 Cyberealm Cookbook, vol 5. 150 recipes from German recipes, desserts, main courses, low fat recipes, to sinfully fattening cakes. MMCYBER6.ZIP 30753 06-20-94 CYBEREALM COOKBOOK, vol. 6. New recipes in Meal Master format from the users of Cyberealm BBS in New York State. MMCYBER7.ZIP 43093 07-31-94 Cyberealm Cookbook, vol 7 Meal Master format MMDIABET.ZIP 296442 06-30-94 Over 900 diabetic recipes in Meal Mastertxt format. MMDRINKS.ZIP 29308 03-19-94 MMDRINKS - This collection of 100 recipes is for a wide variety of non alcoholic drinks. They may be imported directly into MEAL MASTER, version 8 or greater. Dir 31 MMM17.ZIP 170436 05-21-94 MASTER MEAL MANAGER V 1.7 ASP Simple, integrated recipe, meal schedule & shopping list manager. Handles up to 1000 recipes & 31 day schedule. 20 ingredient/ recipe and 1000 character instructions w/ wordwrap text editor built in. Can automatically create schedule and shopping list. Supports 100 printers. Free! MMMENU8G.ZIP 94761 03-21-94 MMENU v.8g. Collection of Utility programs for Meal-Master version 8. Very Handy! MMRVER8.ZIP 1062336 01-22-94 Recipes Data base for Meal Master Ver 8.00 This one has over 3500 recipes in it and it contains all the ver 8.0 ones from here. Why not upload your data base here.... MM_BRIT.ZIP 46745 09-25-93 Meal Master recipes from the British periodical, Country Living in Meal Master format. Compiled by Karen Mintzias for v7 + MM_CASS.ZIP 38342 07-14-93 121 Casseroles in MM7.xx format. Includes main dishes and side dishes. MM_GERMN.ZIP 15369 06-25-94 REAL German recipes in MM8.01 format. About 44 of them. Names in German and English. MM_THAI.ZIP 29363 09-14-93 Meal Master Thai recipes. Originally compiled by Michaela Pantke in Usenet Requires v.7 plus MM_VEGAN.ZIP 238133 09-17-93 Meal Master Vegan Vegetarian recipes. Created by the contributions of many, both special thanks must be given to Mark Satterly. V.7+ MYF452.ZIP 343096 03-24-94 MYF v4.52 MYF is a complete food manager designed for food manufacturers, institutional food planners and cooks, restaurant managers, bakers, dietitians, diabetics, and the home shopper. Its use is easy enough for the novice, yet comprehensive enough for the professional. MYF tracks cost NAT-DYES.ZIP 1201 04-23-94 Natural Easter Eggs Dyes Recipe ND12.ZIP 196613 04-13-94 PC Nutri-Diet v1.2 is a personal computer program which has food analysis & meal planning, supplement food data management and dieting notes. NMENU2.ZIP 199565 09-12-94 NewMenu online cookbook v2.0 point and click VGA windows 300 handpicked recipes included powerful and easy to use search, edit import, export, view and print functions SVGA OHIOEDH.ZIP 91550 07-26-94 Executive Diet Helper [1/4] Ohio Dist. QBOOK100.ZIP 342299 07-31-94 QBook Recipe Manager v1.00 - powerful, flexible and easy to use. Can even convert with OCR. Shareware. RCPBX22B.ZIP 44177 04-16-94 The Recipe Box v2.2 - Recipe card organizer and printer. RCPE_220.ZIP 197973 02-04-94 RECIPE BOX V2.20 ASP - A Culinary Toolkit developed to bring the power of the PC into the kitchen. Whether you are a five star chef, kitchen gourmet or a food service professional, Recipe Box has the power and versatility to manage your culinary demands. 512 kb RAM, hard disk recommended, mouse support. From Sunrise Software, $14.95. REC1051.ZIP 22224 01-10-94 Usenet: FAQ and conversion file. REC1052.ZIP 9500 01-10-94 Usenet: COLLECTION: Sun Dried Tomato Recipes. REC1055.ZIP 5151 01-17-94 Usenet: Ketchups & Choucroute Garni. RECIP_X2.ZIP 45801 01-27-94 RECIP-X2.ZIP: a recipe extractor update release Scans a directory of Fido format MSGs and extracts the message contents to a ext file for import to Meal-Master database RG1C.ZIP 91603 07-26-94 Recipe Gourmet - is a simple, easy to use program for keeping recipes. Also contains reference information and can be used for mixed drinks. From Alston Software Labs. Requires Windows 3.x and VBRUN300.DLL. SAUCES8.ZIP 46061 01-03-94 SAUCE RECIPES - 178 MEAL-MASTER v8.00 Format. SHOPR401.ZIP 309363 01-15-94 Shopper's Assistant v4.01: menu-driven grocery shopping aid - creates list allowing you to make 1 pass through the store, SOUPS.ZIP 61057 07-26-94 Many good soup recipes in MealMaster format. SUDSW30.ZIP 268918 03-26-94 SUDS for WINDOWS v3.0 Beer Brewers' Recipe DataBase and LogBook THAIREC.ZIP 90110 08-18-94 A bunch of Thai recipes in Meal-Master format. _SLIM1.ZIP 39266 06-25-94 Slim For Life! Release 1 Finally-the truth revealed. A weight loss system so simple and effective the author lost 50 pounds without sit-ups, eating less or will power.